Saturday, September 4, 2010

Don't You Understand

As a child, I didn't like school.  It wasn't a happy time for me.  I wasn't popular, athletic, or studious (I know, it's hard to believe).  My favorite subject was recess, which I frequently missed due to my poor academic performance.  I was a slow learner (even now I have to read books two or three times for them to sink in).

I think Nicodemus must have been a slow learner as well, at least that's how it comes across in today's reading: John 3:8-15.  In verse 10 Jesus says, "You are Israel's teacher and you do not understand these things?"  Jesus was explaining to this Pharisee how to get to heaven (something he should have already known).

The Pharisees were teachers of the Law, but instead of recognizing the limits of the law (our inability to completely obey it), they strove to earn their way to heaven based on their works.  Often isn't this the behavior of folks today?  They don't understand that works cannot save you.  There is nothing you or I can do to earn our way into heaven.  Eternal life is a free gift from God to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Don't you understand?  Jesus, God in the form of man, left His throne in heaven, became flesh, lived a perfect life, accepted the sins of mankind as His own, became our sacrifice and died so that we could have eternal life.  He then, through His own power, rose again after three days and promises resurrection and life to all who believe in Him.

I hope and pray you do understand.

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