Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Comfortable in our seats

There is something to be said about being comfortable.  Men search endlessly for the right lounger because we wish to be comfortable while vegging in front of the TV watching football or some other mindless drivel.  Women aren't any different.  They look for comfort in the clothes they wear or the books they read. 

But as I read John 2:13-25 a different perspective hit me.  If you have a chance get your Bible out and read it for yourself; my attention was drawn to vs. 14 "And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and money changers seated at their tables."  The picture here is not one you would expect in the typical North American church or any 21st century church for that matter (although I have led a donkey through the sanctuary before, but that's a different story).

The picture that came to mind was these folks sitting in the temple, comfortable with what they were doing because they were serving themselves.  They were doing what they desired, making money, which brought comfort and pleasure to them.  Now the fact that they were merchants isn't a problem, the lack of reverence for the House of God is.  What I noticed is they were comfortable conducting business in a place designed to glorify God and honor Him.

Fast forward to the Church of today---

My concern is that we are comfortable.  We walk into our plush sanctuaries and sit in our regular places and expect to hear a pleasant sermon, then walk out unchanged, comfortable with the staus quo.  Oh, how our complacency must grieve our Savior.  Rather than His Father's house being "a place of business" it has become a place for social gatherings.

This is NOT what our services should be; rather than warming a pew we need to be on our knees.  Yes, we are to find comfort, but not become comfortable.  The purpose of the building is to facilitate worship of our God, not ease of our backsides.  I suppose much of responsibility goes to pastors like myself; we must stir our congregations our of their comfort zones and on to good works that the Father has prepared for us to do.

So don't get comfortable in your seats... get on your knees and ask the Father to change you and show you the things He wants you to do.  Will it be uncomfortable?  I sure hope so.

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