Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Compete or Compliment

There are defining moments in each person's life when they make choices that either put them in competition with others or allows them to compliment those around them.

This was one of those moments for John the Baptist.  As we read in John 3:22-27 Jesus has begun His ministry, He is beginning to draw a following (some of whom used to follow John) and He is baptizing in the same area as John is.  John's disciples (followers) approach him reporting that this Jesus, whom John had baptized, was now teaching and preaching and baptizing in the area.

John is confronted with a choice.  He can fulfill his calling to 'make straight the way of the Lord' or he could  call attention to himself and try to compete with the Son of God.  Once before John had been confronted with the temptation to call attention to himself (Jn. 1:22-23) and instead pointed to Christ, now he must choose again.

Isn't that how life is?  Constantly we are confronted with making choices that will define who we are.  Sometimes we make the right choice, other times we become selfish and prideful and desire to point at ourselves rather than toward God.  It is at these times when we come into competition with God rather than His messengers.

John didn't fall into that trap.  As we see in this passage, John is consistent in his message - God is sovereign over all things. 

There is little to be gained in competing with the sovereign ruler of the universe.  Oh we may fool ourselves into thinking we are in control of our lives or that God is taking a backseat, but in all honesty God takes a backseat to no one.  He competes with no one for there is no one in His league.  So the only reasonable choice is for us to compliment, work in conjunction with God.

Joining God where He is at work is exactly what God desires of you and me.  So I encourage you to cease trying to compete with God, repent and join Him today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pastor Ryan. Thanks for the inspiration! Cary
