Monday, August 30, 2010

The Call of the Master

Reading John 1:44-51, I am reminded of the call of Christ, "Come and see." from my previous reading.  How quickly Phillip found Nathanael and imitated Christ.  "Come and see." he said to his brother.  Before he even knew Phillip was a disciple, sharing his knowledge of Christ with those he knew.

This poses a question for me though; who have I encouraged to 'Come and see'.  Some say that you need to build a relationship before asking folks about their faith or inviting them to check out yours; but what happens to those who die before we take the time to talk to them about Christ?  They die in their sins!  God forbid, simply so we can be more comfortable when we share our Savior?  No!  No longer will I wait for the 'time to be right.'  This doesn't mean that building relationships isn't important.  What I'm trying to say is our relationship with God should be more important. 

Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." [Rom. 1:16].  Come and see should be shouted from the rooftops and on the lips of every believer.  Come and see what Christ is offering to you.  Come and see how you can be free from sin.  Come and see.

Christ has the power to change lives and yet we as Christians often fail to do our part in sharing this Christ with the world.  Now is the time to muster the Church into proclaiming the power of Christ to the salvation of all who believe.  Now is the time to answer the call of the Master, "Come and see."  I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

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