Sunday, August 5, 2012

Declaration of Dependence: Pursuing Happiness

"All men are endowed with inalienable right, among which are the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." 
         ~ The Declaration of Independence 1776

What was Thomas Jefferson thinking when he penned these words?  What is the Pursuit of Happiness?

For the world, happiness is found in that which brings pleasure.  Lusts of the Flesh, Lusts of the Eyes – these bring happiness of a temporary sort.  But true happiness cannot be found in worldly pleasures.  

My friends, I am sorry to announce true happiness is outside your grasp.  You cannot be happy without looking to the One who paid the price for your happiness and mine.

Our pursuit of happiness is directly linked to our pursuit of God 
and becoming more like Christ every day.

Jesus, some 2000 yrs ago, on a mountainside near the Sea of Galilee, shared eight steps to true joy.  These were written down by Matthew, on of the disciples, in an order inspired by God that offer us a progression to true joy.  This is the Pursuit of Happiness and our happiness (or joy) is Dependent on God.

For the full message shared on 07-29-12 at First Church of God, Racine, WI go to:
Declaration of Dependence: Pursuing Happiness

Ask yourself: On whom am I depending?  The following song was written and sung by my dear friend, Kate Anderson. <Video pending>

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