Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Birth Party - Enjoy the Moment

My daughters and I were watching Kung Fu Panda the other day and one of the characters ( a turtle I think) said, 
"Yesterday is history, 
tomorrow is a mystery, 
but today is a gift; 
that's why it's called the present."

Now I know this proverb did not originate from the writers of KFP, but none the less it is a truth that we often forget.
Living in the moment is important.  Yes, the past has much to teach us and the future offers hope; but enjoy the moment found in today.

Of course, how we view the moment is filtered by our past experiences.  Some people are very cynical, because of past disappointments.  Others view the moment with anger and bitterness because of past hurts.  Our experiences with Christ should allow us to view every moment with love, joy, and peace – regardless of the circumstance.
Have you ever been to a party where the decorations, the games, the food – everything was just perfect, but nobody paid any attention to the guest of honor?  There’s nothing wrong with all the extras, but the reason for celebration is not because of the party favors, it’s because of the individual for whom the party was given.

This week, I would draw your attention to Mary, the young girl chosen by God to bear the Son of God; the Savior of the World.

For the full message shared on 12-16-12 at First Church of God, Racine, WI; go to:
A Birth Party: Enjoy the Moment


  1. Love it. These always make me think deeper about how I view my week and I thank you. Btw what is kfp?
