This is an onomatopoeia (a word whose sound gives rise to its definition). Of course, the sound "WOE" suggests a guttural cry of anger, pain, or both. In the Old Testament it was sued to convey grief, despair, sorrow, dissatisfaction pain and fear of losing one's life. In the New Testament it is used to speak of sorrow and judgment carrying mingled ideas of punishment and pity, cursing and compassion.
Jesus, in Matthew 23, used the word "woe" as a divine declaration of judgment from God; condemning the Pharisees but also pointing them toward repentance and salvation.
The scribes and the Pharisees of the day were much like the Fans of today. Rather than chose to Follow Christ, they followed religion; rules and regulations, rituals and traditions. They were called HYPOCRITES referring to their false front and deceitful ways. This is the life of a Fan.

The Seven Woes due to: Exclusion, Subversion, Perversion, Inversion, Extortion, Contamination, and Pretension.
Each of these marks the life of a Fan not a Follower. And each results in a WOE or a warning. FYI Fans, maybe you grew up in a home where you were taught all about Jesus. Through fear and guilt you learned to keep as many of the rules as possible, hoping it would be enough to keep you out of hell. You were taught to observe different traditions and rituals in an effort to appease God. Instead of becoming a follower of Christ, you became a follower of religion. Today is the day for you to become a true Follower of Jesus Christ.
For the full message shared on 02-10-13 at First Church of God, Racine, WI; go to:
FYI Fans - Seven Woes
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